Friday, 28 August 2015

Foxglove-Digitalis plant-drug guards the entrance to the monument commemorating Failford's sweet hearts

Fox-glove plant  known for its deadly poison...... poison preserves the memory of one of the world's most famous ploughman.......

As I approached the single entrance to the Failford sweet heart monument in  July 2015 i could not help but notice my access was hampered with several green stems of the purple
bell flower  plant, commonly known as the Foxglove, i toyed with the notion in my mind........ was nature giving out designable intention as to draw attention............. as i  explored the immediate area my state of thinking was supported with other clusters of Foxglove with in the near vicinity of the

Here defines the ploughman's spot of the paradox of nature and life's own seeds of learning.......... such attractive brief beauty holds Poison wisdoms directly from the  Fox-G-love Bible tales......... 

Proverbs 31:30
Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting
but a Woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

For All their failings Burns and Campbell's place of encounter has been captured thru time
with innumerable artists eager to reconstruct their own accuracy of adjustments, familiar themes
include the Bible exchange over running water along with Mary shown with bare feet and both wearing shawls, which may be representative of the Jewish  prayer shawl known as the tallith/talit that is worn at Yom Kipper  yearly Day of Atonement in the Jewish calendar it is regarded as the holiest day of the year, during this day a fast is observed prayers to God for past sins are confessed, favourable blessings for the year ahead is a common theme,  during prayer time, the talit gift is regarded as a symbol of marriage intent ....... 

from the English Foxglove name we get the Latin formed Digitalis, the second syllable talis may confirm the cognate towards a fabled bride, while Digit is the name for fingers or toes, often seen as a primitive system for counting, consistency of the bare feet of Mary and exposed hands of Lovers, returns us to the number 30 a Bible figure that hides and
exposes the hour of Queen of the South and the misunderstood role played by the silver pouch poisons of Judas, forces of awareness operate in ways we at times are slow to clasp, returning  the arc circle time source of Mary's birth at the see/sea side town of Dunoon meaning the hill at twelve o' clock is the gnomon pin of the dial whom's Sun duality at high noon shadow points towards a lady that may
indicate "Gnothi Seauton" perception of the laws of Cronus............

Picture wikipedia.

Pi-rate symbol often seen as the mark that warns us of deadly poison, in the Black & White Cronus time circle death/noon commands the law of physics over crossover conception/six o'clock time of new life, Jesus and Mary Magdalene had their own way of informing us of their own Highs and Lows, that centered around the Garden of Gethsemane and that foreboding place of Skulls-Golgotha, 
application of the mind accompanies the act of Pi-ercing that involves Pi-late just before the Sabbath,

When they came to Jesus, they did not break his legs since they saw that He was already dead,
But one of the Soldiers pi-erced (at) his side with a spear, and at once blood and water came out.
(bible metaphor for birth)
He/She who saw this has testified so that you Also may Believe.
His/Her testimony is True, and he/she knows that she/he is telling us the Truth.
For these things happened so that the Scriptures would be fulfilled........

 in Scots-Irish lore Oss-ian is the bone relation of Ian/John a number of caves in the Scottish Highlands are accredited towards the name of Ossian including the one at Lochranza (place of the seals) on the Isle of Arran, a location
that the younger Mary Campbell was familiar with, a visit to Ossian's cave today at the Cock of Arran carved on the wall is 18th century 3 mast period ship, that links us to the Cutty Sark......... now retired & docked in dry lands
next to Greenwich time Observatory........

Arousing one's curiosity is the timing of the publishing of the epic James Macpherson  Ossian poems, which appeared in general circulation in the early 1760s Mary Campbell and Robert Burns parents generation where perceptive to the alternate history theology angles aired by the Dan Brown of his day.......... 

Picture wikipedia.

Fingal Cave on the south Island of Staffa, is named after Fingal the son of Ossian, the name staff is associated with poles and music, in Bible riddles & puzzles, caves-poles and music are interchangeable to interpret imaginary double meanings.....

Matthew 27:66
So they went and made the Cave secure by putting a seal on the stone & posted a Guard.

Matthew 28:1
Now after the Sabbath towards the Light at Dawn, Mary Magdalene & the other Mary,
went out to visit the Cave........

tampering with a pandora's box  time seal........... infuriated critics.... quick to put the genie back in the bottle, many disbelievers viewed his work as blasphemous fraud...... 

Macpherson in his early life mastered the language of Scottish Gaelic, with visits to the West coast of Scotland and the Islands of Mull, Skye North/South Uist and Benbecula. James on his travels to the He-brides managed to obtain written poems that held knowledge that formed the base to his own writings, furthermore James discovered  a oral tradition with in  Scots Gaelic that kept alive the spirit of Ossian and his son Fingal, the name Fingal or Fionnghall means white stranger, in slightly different context the color white is associated with light and knowledge & birth......the Highland village located in the geographic center of Scotland is named Fortingall, it-self is named as the "Stronghold of the Strangers" this strong hold fixed point of reference, is considered to be the birth location of Pontius Pilate, the name meaning of Pontius is worth considering as it has a number of meanings that include bridge connecting bridger, from here we get the name Pontiff the bridge builder when we ally Pi-late of the circle returns us to Pontus the ancient Roman kingdom that is also known as Euxinus the Black Sea-or the Black C that equates to  100% in Roman numerals, from the full circle of darkness/death-light/birth we get the mass of fibres connecting the two hemispheres of the cerebellum named pons varolii, this ancient circuit in Latin derives the name Pons asinorum, sages of wisdom regarded the Pons asinorum as severe test of acumen for the beginner........... in English Pons asinorum translates as the Asses Bridge,
the point that bridges black/death  to  He-Bride and the expected new white light stranger on the other side of the bridge.

Brig o Doon gathering place today for weddings
the coarse of the Doon water is approximately XXX miles

Not quite every body was convinced that the great cheat Macpherson & his work was deceptive,
quite a number of committed believers clung on to their inner feelings.......
in respect & courage to Guardian of the Oss-Ian/John bones, the seal of light was opened for a short time then slammed shut............

 following on from his death 3 days after Saint Valentine's day in 1796 the same year Robert Burns died, the honorary James Macpherson (59)
was laid to rest in the Abbey of West Minster London, considered by hierarchy upper echelons
to be in Death, modern Britain's  most prestigious House of the Departed.

X years separated Burns death with his Sweet Heart Mary, with 12 children from 4 different woman that's been accredited to Burns the purple patch plough man whom lived in the lands of Canaan,
was dangerously fiddling with the Laws of Moses..... X years before........

 In a cruel twist of fate Mary Campbell, moved to 31 upper Charles St  Greenock, we understand from Burns poems that Greenock, was the scheduled meeting place, for Burns and Campbell as they prepared for a new life in the West Indies, "the other Mary"   stayed with  a close relation of Mary's Mother, whom's husband was alloted the name Peter Macpherson......   while staying at Charles St  Mary's brother Robert Campbell caught the illness of typhoid, Mary tended to her brother's needs, the powers of virtue where unduly malign, the official story goes Mary herself caught the epidemic and as a result died on XX/X/1786

A clump of full bloom Foxglove plants, in July grow beneath Failford monument,

Ironically Foxglove-Digitails is regarded as highly poisonous, yet the dried foxglove leaves is used as a effective drug to treat heart failure, when admitted into the body at the correct dose, this can reinvigorate the failed heart and bring the beat back to life, in another strange coincidence expert Digitails biochemist William Withering 1741-1799 whom studied in Edinburgh, the City that embraced Burns early literature. Withering was a quick learner  in the school of life and death, around the globe's A & E rooms Withering  is regarded then and now, with in the medical profession as the God Father of resurrected  failed hearts, the herbalist published his foxglove-digitail remedy findings in the year 1785, considered to be the year before Burns met Mary Campbell.......
with Hearts going "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" the plough man's relish sandwich was consumed at failford ..........

"To my Bonnie Lass
Love is like a Red Red Rose
that is newly sprung in June,
and I will Come Again my Love"
"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

Burns was a guardian of the soil, he understood that Nature is renown for being recurring in cycles, to have spring we need autumn, to have light we endure darkness, love is tarnished with grief, repeatedly we find extremes over a period of time, often as not when we stop and calculate
our findings the net result ends in balance.

The word Dig in Latin means Cavo meaning Cave, which in turn gives raise to Cavort, thus here lies the tail/tale
that Never Ends-Digtail.

Friday, 21 August 2015

Goat Fell Arran 874m and Psalm 87:4 directs us to Zion the City of God.

Picture wikipedia
Goat Fell is Arran's tallest mountain, picture taken from Bro-dick harbour, Bro-dick lies on the 55.5 line of latitude.

Psalm 87
Zion the City of God.
Dedication, A Song to the Sons of Korah

In the Bible the name Korah is associated with two People, both men where remembered as being rebellious to the laws of the system, the Sons of Korah where renowned for their Temple Singing...........Songs in the Bible directs us to the Lovers chapter....S o S
while found  in 1 Chronicles 9:17-20
The Korahs where the 212 or 2/12 = 24 gatekeepers that guarded the four sides, East-birth West-Death, South conception that is allied with North's recycled spirit,
the Korahites where  the Lord's master bakers, as foretold in  1 Chronicles 9 :22-33 the Cake or Bannock in auld Scots relates to the circle "core" point,  altar time, as banns a variant of Bannock, meaning is a proclamation of intended marriage, in the laws of the circle Pi governs over the holy arc diam/maid meter measure  one  3:14  (1314) a number that alerts us to N.E.W.S. of  eternal flame burning of the Broom/Brus Korah Angel,  what follows the cake mixing is "buns in the oven"  the entrusted trade of Korahs whom work 24/7 -365

emanation to the tune of the creative Chorus....... Hallelujah! 150

Picture Wikipedia
The prominent mountain Peak seen is Goat Fell.
The Fall of the sacrificial Goat is paid with highest veneration on the Island of Arran/Aaron
the island shape of Arran is said to resemble a Kid-ney while others consider it to be more
like a testicle with mull of kin-tyre the penal partner in crime.

Psalm 87

His foundations is on the Holy Mountains
The Lord loves the Gates of Zion
more than All the dwellings of Jacob.
Glorious things are said about you City of God

Psalm 87:4 Among those who know me I mention Rahab (seen as a Lady whom had a child to another Woman's Husband) and Babylon; behold, Philistia and Tyre, (lovers of the circle) with Cush— Each one was born there,” they say.
And it will be said of Zion,
"This one and that one were born in her" (Place of Conception)
The Most High Himself will establish her.
Zion is the place of register.

Picture wikipedia

The small Corrie Village lies on the North-East of the Island of Arran,
the Scots name Corrie ties us with the Bible sons of Korah-Corrie, the NE direction represents
the time of baking in the oven of Zion, Goat Fell lies around two miles to the West of Corrie,
building on the theme of sleep which the Bible relates to Death is the small village of San-nox, this coastal village lies a few miles North of Corrie & South East of Lochranza on the orbital coast road.

San-Nox name meaning comes from Italian-Latin language  as San means Saint while Nox is Latin for Night.......

  On a gloomy dark night, deep in the forest now utterly lost and very cold,tired and hungry , waiting around for what seems like a eternity,  nostrils picked up a faint smell of burning wood, the instinct of hope led to a clearing,  eyes could see a window with glorious fire lighting up the whole house,  black painted  Jambs with gold center served as the entrance......   "knock"  "knock" "knock"   lets hope the porter hears the  exasperative call.......

Acts 12 : 13-14

He knocked at the door in the Gateway, and a servant named Rhoda/Rose came to answer.
She recognized Peter's voice, and because of her Joy (Bible word that relates to Baby) she did not open the Gate,
but ran in and announced that Peter was standing at the Gateway.

Set in a enchanted wood with paradisian bounty of Rhododendrons the Golden Gates with two jam-b marble posts and lamp on top are located at Ben More  Botanic gardens, a couple of miles in land from the Holy Loch, the gates where funded by Greenock sugar
distiller, James Duncan whom mastered the art of boiling Jamaican Cane into savourly sugars that revolutionised our penchant in  jams and sweets, the Bon Bon passions in the land of duality are
handicapped with the punishment of rotten teeth, they in turn are liable to pelting bills that bring great indignation aaaargh!

Ironically Duncan's sugar business was located in the town that Sweet Mary Campbell, was
laid to sleep, she and her beloved Robert plan of promise centered around their rendezvous at Greenock in the back end of 1786 here the Ship Nancy was booked for Jamaica shores, sadly Mary appointment was with the Sandman of time XX/X /  1786..........  this was to prove fatal......... salt was rubbed in the open Heart wound of Robert......... the shattered promise of  XXX (£30) a year to work as a clark on slave plantations.......... Judas/Judges numbers exposed the fickleness  for all to C for the lust of tarnished monies  .............

In the lifetime of that of Robert Burns, the bard of Romance never recovered from his Love Heart pained Loss...........

a strong heart felt double wish with Love overtures was sent to Rhoda, she along with the Gifts from
the Lord to whom he/she believes in.........anything is possible.......

Question 7

O my Love like a Red Red Rose
that newly sprung in June (sixth month)
O my Love like the melodie
that's sweetly play'ed in tune.

As fair art thou, my Bonnie Lass
So deeep in Love am I
and I will Love thee still my Dear
Till the seas (C=100=full circle) go Dry.

Till All the sea's go dry my Dear
and the rocks melt with the Sun
I will Love thee still my Dear
while the Sands of life shall run

And fare thee well my Only Love
and fare thee well a while........

for I will Come Again my Love.....
Tho' it were 10 000 mile

(The number 10000 is linked to the width of the Lord's  Life-Giving-River found in Ezekiel  ch 47 and
ch 48-9. Water and Bible messages where inaugural to Burns and Campbell's Utopia)

Chorus My Love is Like a Red Red Rose..........

"Prince of Sugar" James Duncan 1834-1905 at the peak of his success, in his own pleasure time focused on Art collection and philanthropic ventures, when visiting and working on  the Ben More estate, his short voyage across the water from Greenock to Dunoon mirrored the death and birth locations of Highland Mary respectably, the route from Dunoon pier where today stands Highland Mary's statue to Ben More Golden Gates passes by Sand-bank and Rashfield, leading to the dead end track in Glen Massen/masson, as a man of Art and virtuous feelings with in the Heart,  Duncan was living in the ka memory of Mary, there is little doubt he was inspired by the Bard's Highland Sweet-heart Lover ............

My Highland Lassie O (zero hour was written in 1786 the year Mary slept)

(Chorus) Within the Glen sae bushy O
Aboon (man's raised mast) the plain sae rashy O
I set me down wi' right good will
to sing my Highland lassie O

O were yon hills and vallies mine
Yon place and yon gardens fine!
The World then the Love should know
I bear(2=1) my Highland Lassie O

Greenock sugar refinery contemporary of James Duncan was Abram Lyle,1820-1891 having built up a successful shipping company based in Greenock and trading with the West Indies,
Lyle diversified
into sugar refinery, when a opportunity arose, himself  along with partners bought over the Glebe refinery in 1865

"Goldie" syrup founder  Abram Lyle
intrinsic to the sweet heart search, Abram's mother christian and maiden names where shared with Highland Mary Campbell, consequences of fate along with Robert Burns poetry invites us in to preserve the underworld institution of the memory of  Burns Highland Beatrice
picture wikipedia

For Her I'll trace a distant shore
That Indian wealth may lustre throw
Around my Highland Lassie O

Lyle being the Provost of Greenock from 1876 to 1879 was grasped in the memorabilia that was conserved to Greenock and Mary, when one visits the sea merchant town, there is no escape to the many links that lead to the tragic sorrow of a lost bride to be and a time arc love seal,   Greenock takes the honor as being  home to the founding Robert Burns club established 1801 a mere 5 years following the Death of Burns in 1796...........

Burning with anger he returned to his Father's Home........

Touted as being Britain/World  oldest retail brand a unmistakable frank Bible message,
is the signature of Mary Campbell's son Abram Lyle & her Grand-Sons, the Greenock Sugar Refiners.

The Golden seal tin yields to the attention of a picture of the Golden Lion King lying Dead,
above the carcass of the male Lion is a swarm of Honey Bees, agitated, clearly in a state of vexed
grief, violation of their lifes work has been abused.......with the symbolism absorbed and now deciphering understanding the riddle of translating another language is helped by the phrase......

"Out of the Strong Came Forth Sweetness"

Arguably man's strength is the gift of creation, if there is no offspring Strength does not exist,
this philosophy returns us back to our Laws of duality, man's Strength is also his weakness.

Tampering with another man's indulgent Honey Pot is a vexed source of grief that the thoughtless philus on the hot seat often leads to a flare up of vesuvian like distress and annoyance to other family and friends close to the blind perpetrators.............. in the life of Mr Robert Burns round about the time he met Mary Campbell, proficient farmer Burns was ploughing two other heifers that we can account for..........may be more?

The town peers of Mauchline (sits on the 55.5 line of latitude) where in shock and sympathised with the feelings
of the crushed world of the relatives caught up in the scandal...........Burns had a plan to flee the swarm of ill-feeling & abuse to "distant shore's " crowned the King of Rats & dislodged fellow mice, is worth contemplating......."All good plans of Man and Mice afton go astray"

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Arran's Lochranza name meaning "Loch/Lock of the Seals" following on the heels of a fleeting Bride to be, Bible exchange may unlock Lochranza's seal.

Lochranza Meaning  Loch/Lock  of the Seals,

"Set me a seal on your Heart"

Mutual Bible Exchange by Lovers over running waters that cannot extinguish love, the Burn rouses magnetic emotions
that cannot be swept away, carefully sealed with in the sacred text, the Heart holds the wisdom of Truths,
stirred by the favor of restoration, a brief encounter held promise to All that believe.

Reflection over a 12 pain window of time, interferes with the clarity of picture, located  at Tarbolton's  Burn's Bachelor Club.
Is it time to Let light in, over a very awkward & ill-defined period of  History?

The isolated Lochranza Church is located at the North End of Arran & is named after Saint Bride also known as Bridget, this location was a place Mary Campbell new well, young Mary spent  time here living with the Rev David Campbell at the nearby manse, David was a relation of Mary's mother, Mary helped the preacher in domestic duties.

Arran name is a Scottish variant of Aaron, older brother of Moses. Goat Fell is the title given to the highest mountain on Arran, the Goat was one of the main objects of worship used by the Knight Templars, so named after the Holy of Holies  night time Temple. In the New Testament Hebrews ch 9 the Old Covenant Ministry that included Aaron's budded Rod and the Cherubim of Glory that overshadowed the Mercy seat,...........

Generative power comply's with the name Aaron/Arran.

the rules of the Laws of Man where about to change with the arrival of
the Messiah.......

"The New Covenant Ministry"  starts with  numbers that many remember the allegoric association World Trade of the twin Towers..........
following on from the wings of violation, the  Bush summoned a Great Army to take revenge
over the tenants of the Great house of Babylon.......

Early Home to the Mother of Sin.

Hebrews 9 :11

In rules of our world of Duality, With Love and Babies  brings with it the price of enmity....... War and Death is inevitable.........
"According to the law, almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood
there is no forgiveness"

New Covenant Ministry,

 promised to us with the return of the Messiah thru the gateway of  his own blood, his own return will be by a model/likeness of the original....... the Messiah himself lead the way with his own passion feelings towards his partner, thus giving the vessel  necessary for the promise of the eternal inheritance ........ the New Covenant states......

Where a Will exists the death of the testator must be established, a Will is only valid when people die,

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Burns Tributes the flow of tears of Sweet Afton to Mary Campbell

Afton in Auld Scots Language means often, frequently or many times, the unchangeable flowing of the Waters of Sweet Afton,  was the esteemed veneration, of a tormented & tortured mind of Burns, afflicted and in pain,
for his exalted besotted feelings to the Love of his life.........

"My Mary asleep by the murmuring Stream"

a river with its boundless infinity corresponded with the infatuation of a hapless fool, lost with out purpose, a heart numbed with gloom, alone and single, on the roundabout of life

New Cumnock Burns Club gateway to the plough and monument aside Afton river, the word Club when
reversed gives us Bul(l) C, see. in turn the plough is used as a bible metaphor related to human seed and conception

Psalm 69:31 And it will please the LORD better than a young bull or Ox with horns and hoofs.…
The humble will see (C) it and rejoice.
You whom seek God, take Heart!

The River Afton flows Sweetly, ponderation.......... of the sleeping Mary

Sweet Afton Song/Poem was composed in 1791 five years after the passing of Highland Mary,
On the brink of insanity and reason, Burns married the mother of his first children Jean Armour on the 5th of August 1788............perhaps a marriage out of necessity and requirements, this did not hide the reservations, cracks and facts........... Burns every day life,  was choked with fever of internal deprivation, affections persisted,  from the ghost
 of his beloved, that never left him, here straight from his heart was the source of spew of merited laureation.

Flow gently sweet Afton among thy green braes
Flow gently I'll sing thee a song in thy praise,
My Mary's asleep by thy murmuring stream,
Flow gently, sweet Afton, disturb not her dream,

How lofty sweet Afton, thy neighbouring hills
Far mark'd with the courses of clear winding rills.
There daily I wander as noon rises high,
My flocks and my Mary's sweet cot in my eye.

How pleasant thy banks and green valleys below,
Where wild in the woodlands the primroses blow
There oft as mild ev'ning weeps over lea,
The sweet-scented birk shades my Mary and me.

Flow gently sweet Afton among thy green braes
Flow gently I'll sing thee a song in thy praise,
My Mary's asleep by thy murmuring stream,
Flow gently, sweet Afton, disturb not her dream

Over the years, Sweet Afton song has been formulated to the tune of the popular carol, "Away in a Manger", which is also known as the "Cradle Song"  in Latin, the manger's name is called Praesepe
with in the heaven's our malign Love Cancer sickness of the war with the honeypot, results often, planned or unplanned, with a bundle of Joys occupant in the Praesepe

(Psalm 69:30 I will praise God's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.)

In the Bible Song of Songs is the name chosen for passionate lovers, out with the obvious bind to bible
number ambiguity 69 is the symbol of the cancer constellation, here  ascertained sweetness is found, as a secondary name for cancer is "The Bee hive cluster"  our on going war with replenishment energy of the human race is the Cancer fight virus that lingers just beneath the surface of dispute, with in the game of Life, the Matrix meaning womb Film, the force of darkness Agent Smith is our arch nemesis to weakness in human beings, desperate to be repatriated with the force of Light/Love..........ancient Egyptians adult 
th-anks-giving of hoop and tail with horizontal bar is  personified  in the marital smith ceremony, played to the Creator's Tune of Sweet Burns prose, "Auld Nick" himself would be standing over the bed of conjugated flames playing the fiddle feast...........

Auld Nick's view located next to church and graveyard at Alloway.

The "Deevil"  circle of life, is hit home at All zero Way birth place of Robert Burns,

Nannie Dee was the nick-name given to Cutty Sark , the witch that had the skimpy night dress,  Tam o' Shanter's eyes got more than he bargained for, in the background is Alloway's Auld Kirk 

Picture found in Brig o Doon Hotel, depicts the Dangers of Peering into X rated windows.
Auld Tam o' Shanter is seen at 12 o' clock at the M shaped window, his expression on his face 
captures the Horror of Hells fleshy Pleasures, a feast laid bare upon the incriminated gold table, artist spicy
impression borrowed from the Master of suppers himself, at 6 o'clock or 30 minutes direction South
is the inglorious plough graft vine act, influenced by Mensa the southern constellation, Mensa is the Latin  name for Table associated with the monthly circle of the moon phases that determine the
best time to plant seed for successful harvest.

Robert Burns was also known as the "Plough-Man Poet"
Burns death on the 21st of July was on the cusp of Cancer and Leo the Lion Constellation  

Sweet Afton's Robert Burns Cairn memorial  built in 1973

Pathway from Afton Cairn towards the plough, despaired poet & farmer Burns was in tune with Mother Earth dates
& cycles, to reap we need to sow, with the help & faith  towards the Glory of the Constant Gardener Burns with in his heart understood the language of rekindled Blind Hope, following on from Death he/she whom believes, has the chance of eternal lifes, for ever and again, seek and the door of comfort and joy will re-open .........

John 20:15

He asked her, "Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?" Thinking he was the gardener, she said, "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him." 

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Seeking Highland Mary, Failford

The small Village of Failford between Tarbolton and Mauchline is home to the monument
dedicated to Highland Mary's fated encounter with Robert Burns on the banks of the river Ayr.

In the English dictionary ford is a crossing point, while Fail has a number meanings that include, an unsuccessful person, or to prove deficient under trail, a different perspective comes to mind of the name Fail when we look at the Irish Gaelic, their meaning of Fail is related to Destiny, while in Scots Gaelic, Fail is allied to a Mark or Ring.

The village of Failford lies in the boundary of the 55.5 degree line of latitude.   

Today the center of Failford village is home to the Failford Inn, a small car park lies on the opposite side of the road to the Ale & Eatery house. 

Mary and Robert's stone Love column takes on a reflective dilemma of our failings.

"If this is not the Language of remorse what is it?"

Near This Spot at Failford, lovers Robert Burns and Highland Mary took their last Farewell
14 May 1786

That sacred hour can I forget
Can I forget the hallow'd Grove
Where by the winding Ayr we met
To Live one day of parting Love
Eternity will not efface
Those records dear of transport past
That image at our Last embrace
Ah! little thought 't was our Last!

The Mary and Robert memorial was erected in May 1921 by the Burns federation,
with funds provided by Belfast based Messrs Harland and Wolff, shipbuilders  whom had  a satellite yard located
at Greenock, the final resting place of Sweet Mary, consideration may be worthy of notice that Greenock was also the location of  the Cutty Sark' ship to make her sea worthly, before entering service,  named after the witch Nannie Dee whom's night dress was a little to short, for Tam o' Shanter,  his own eyes experienced a encounter that lifted the wind mast sails.

Cutty Sark's Figure head of evocative Nannie Dee. Picture wikipedia.

In the aftermath of the Titanic's tragic loss, 15/4/1912 More Controversy, with undertones of business interest guilt was attached to the monies for the sculpture, Wolff and Harland gained Planning Permission to extended their shipbuilding yard on the grounds of what was known as Greenock's West Kirk, in 1920 the old graves was cleared with mind and moral considerations,  aware of growing conscience a assemblage of people with different interests viewed over the grave of Mary, as expected a number of adult coffins where unearthed, alongside a guarded secret of a coffin that belonged to a baby, knowledge kept back from others fueled speculative views, knowing Burns's distinguished night time repetition was a factor that many neutrals seen as mounting evidence, to the theory what if Mary had not
died of fever when nursing her sick brother, but died of child birth?

A inquest was held behind the hood of the brothers,  as a result, it was decided that under the Paraphernalia of the Scottish rites, a full formal honour was appointed to the erection of the Failford monument, a pipe band leading the March followed by the compass and square banner, and a legion of solemn masonic men wearing dashing coloured sashes and bowler hats, as the top tier of men gathered to help lay the foundation stone, a bottle, itself a message with in a message was placed with in the hollow beneath the equivocal  Failford holy of holies, cement the binding agent was applied, before the crane lowered the stone onto the seal..........

In the nature of man as a whole, where there is no winners or losers,  a moment, of Flash-back Contemplation for memories in the Shadows of the wicked Trench & not so Great World War One,  the bereavement
of relative, friends and adversary inhabited the thoughts of the Black suited watchmen, Brothers...........
in contrast with the fervent hearts of
Failford's favoured Son and Daughter, here lies a cherished spot of  Earth and Heaven meeting,  on the cave/lodge door, light was blessed........... albeit a fleeting moment  ........ Appeal and Thanks to God, the Almighty, and fellow journey people............

After finding each other's companion at the side of Ayr river, Burns and Campbell exchanged their personnel  Bibles,  when eyes met eyes, a energy and promise to each other was made above the running waters/eau. Burns informs us in his writings that a New Life in Jamaica as a Clerk on the plantations lay ahead of him, Mary's family had links to the Duke of Argyll (Clan Campbell) the Duke in turn had substantial business interests in Jamaica trades,
a dubious legacy of yesterday, that appears in today's Jamaica phone-book, the Campbell surname is the fourth most common name.

 The Ship sailing from Greenock was due to sail in the back end of 1786, ordinance arrangements to rendezvous with Mary where agreed, Love was in the air, a reason for living in combined in harmony & happiness to the End of their days was the Dream...........

the year before the Gospels exchange in 1786 while out ploughing farmer Burns  wrote the  1785 poem "Tae a Moose"

With in the Bible Judges 14:18 the plough is seen as a likeness to intercourse, the number seven along with the plough constellation Ursa Major has many connotations thru the ages, that bind our adult reproduction union with........"the riddle to our Sons of her people"

"Before sunset on the seventh day the men of the town said to him, "What is sweeter than honey? What is stronger than a lion?" Samson said to them, "If you had not plowed with my heifer, you would not have solved my riddle."

"The Best Laid schemes o' mice an' men Often go awry"

As it turns out Mary was ahead of the game, albeit